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Abu Dhabi is developing the technological sector through AI

The Masdar City Free Zone has announced a new licence package for enterprises involved in artificial intelligence. Companies focused on the development of AI will be able to operate in Masdar City, with licensing and office spaces starting at AED 12K (USD 3K) per year. In addition, students and faculty from the Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI) will receive a 50% discount on the first two years of operation when establishing a company in Masdar City.

According to Amier Al Awadhi, Acting Director of the Masdar City Free Zone, attracting startups will help automate the technological sector of the economy. Through tax exemptions, 100% foreign ownership, and other incentives, Abu Dhabi aims to create a conducive environment for the development and implementation of AI in the economy of the Emirates.

If you want to open an AI orientated company or move your enterprise to the capital of the UAE, now is the best time to do it. As of 2023, more than 1,000 enterprises, ranging from startups to multinational companies in various sectors, including innovative technologies, healthcare, clean energy, and environmental sustainability, operate in the Masdar City Free Zone.

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